Collection: Rough Gemstones

Rough Gem Stones

A gemstone in its purest form that has not yet been cut or polished; referred to as rough gemstones.

Things to look for in Rough Gem stones:

Good Color, Good Clarity, Good Shape, and Good Size are typical, desirable traits in rough gemstones. Good Color: Your eye will automatically find the most expensive stones because “Pretty” is in the eye of the viewer. Color is the key in any colored gemstone. According to a survey, around 60% of gems are evaluated on their color, so look at color carefully, in different lighting conditions because a gemstone will probably look different under lamp light than sunlight. 
23 products
  • Moldavite Rough Gemstone
  • Agni Manitite Stone
  • Lightning Quartz Freefrom
  • Lava Stone Rough Freefrom
  • Desert Stone Rough Freefrom
  • Mookaite Rough Freefrom
  • Blue Calcite Rough Freeform